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DIZutils provides utilitiy functions used in R package development infrastructure inside data integration centers (DIZ).
DIZtools provides lightweight utility functions used in R package development infrastructure inside data integration centers (DIZ).
MIRACUM DQA-Tool R-Package >=v2.x, shiny app, i2b2/omop
MIRACUM DQAstats R-Package. A generic package that provides core functions to perform data quality assessment of EHR data.
MIRACUM DQAgui R-Package. A generic package to provide a graphical user interface (GUI) to the core functionality implemented in 'DQAstats'.
Run simple SQL scripts in a PostgreSQL database
Extract MDR metadata for i2b2, li2b2 and possibly other systems in the future. Re-Implementation of the Frankfurt mdr2ont service.
PL/pgSQL-based FHIR to i2b2 ELT approach.
A multi-user application for collaboratively creating mappings to medical terminologies, such as LOINC.
Transforms §21 data and exports it to a FHIR server.
Miracum Feasibility Portal (i2b2)
This repo contains configuration files for MIRACUM Java codestyle conventions
MIRACUM DQA-Tool v1.x, i2b2-Version
MIRACUM DQA-Tool v.1.x, OMOP-fork