## tic GitHub Actions template: linux-macos-windows-deploy ## revision date: 2020-05-21 on: push: pull_request: # for now, CRON jobs only run on the default branch of the repo (i.e. usually on master) schedule: # * is a special character in YAML so you have to quote this string - cron: "0 4 * * *" name: R CMD Check via {tic} jobs: all: runs-on: ${{ matrix.config.os }} name: ${{ matrix.config.os }} (${{ matrix.config.r }}) strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: config: # use a different tic template type if you do not want to build on all listed platforms - { os: windows-latest, r: "release", pkgdown: "true", latex: "true", java: "true" } - { os: macOS-latest, r: "release", pkgdown: "true", latex: "true", java: "true" } - { os: ubuntu-latest, r: "release", pkgdown: "true", latex: "true", java: "true" } env: # otherwise remotes::fun() errors cause the build to fail. Example: Unavailability of binaries R_REMOTES_NO_ERRORS_FROM_WARNINGS: true CRAN: ${{ matrix.config.cran }} # we are not allowed to write to ~/.ccache on GH Actions # setting some ccache options CCACHE_BASEDIR: ${{ GITHUB.WORKSPACE }} CCACHE_DIR: ${{ GITHUB.WORKSPACE }}/.ccache CCACHE_NOHASHDIR: true CCACHE_SLOPPINESS: include_file_ctime # prevent rgl issues because no X11 display is available RGL_USE_NULL: true # if you use bookdown or blogdown, replace "PKGDOWN" by the respective # capitalized term. This also might need to be done in tic.R BUILD_PKGDOWN: ${{ matrix.config.pkgdown }} # macOS >= 10.15.4 linking SDKROOT: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk # use GITHUB_TOKEN from GitHub to workaround rate limits in {remotes} GITHUB_PAT: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@master - uses: r-lib/actions/setup-r@master with: r-version: ${{ matrix.config.r }} Ncpus: 4 # LaTeX. Installation time: # Linux: ~ 1 min # macOS: ~ 1 min 30s # Windows: never finishes - uses: r-lib/actions/setup-tinytex@master if: matrix.config.latex == 'true' - uses: r-lib/actions/setup-pandoc@master if: matrix.config.latex == 'true' - uses: actions/setup-java@master if: matrix.config.java == 'true' with: java-version: '8' # set date/week for use in cache creation # https://github.community/t5/GitHub-Actions/How-to-set-and-access-a-Workflow-variable/m-p/42970 # - cache R packages daily - name: "[Cache] Prepare daily timestamp for cache" if: runner.os != 'Windows' id: date run: echo "::set-output name=date::$(date '+%d-%m')" - name: "[Cache] Cache R packages" if: runner.os != 'Windows' uses: pat-s/always-upload-cache@master with: path: ${{ env.R_LIBS_USER }} key: ${{ runner.os }}-r-${{ matrix.config.r }}-${{steps.date.outputs.date}} restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-r-${{ matrix.config.r }}-${{steps.date.outputs.date}} # for some strange Windows reason this step and the next one need to be decoupled - name: "[Stage] Prepare" run: | Rscript -e "if (!requireNamespace('remotes')) install.packages('remotes', type = 'source')" Rscript -e "if (getRversion() < '3.2' && !requireNamespace('curl')) install.packages('curl', type = 'source')" - name: "[Stage] [Linux] Install curl" if: runner.os == 'Linux' run: sudo apt install libcurl4-openssl-dev - name: "[Stage] Configure R Java" if: runner.os != 'Windows' && matrix.config.java == 'true' run: sudo R CMD javareconf - name: "[Stage] Install" if: matrix.config.os != 'macOS-latest' || matrix.config.r != 'devel' run: Rscript -e "remotes::install_github('ropensci/tic')" -e "print(tic::dsl_load())" -e "tic::prepare_all_stages()" -e "tic::before_install()" -e "tic::install()" - name: "[Stage] Script" run: Rscript -e 'tic::script()' - name: "[Stage] After Success" if: matrix.config.os == 'macOS-latest' && matrix.config.r == 'release' run: Rscript -e "tic::after_success()" - name: "[Stage] Upload R CMD check artifacts" if: failure() uses: actions/upload-artifact@master with: name: ${{ runner.os }}-r${{ matrix.config.r }}-results path: check