% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/launch_app.R
\title{Launch the DQA graphical user interface (GUI)}
launchApp(port = 3838, utilspath, db_source)
\item{port}{The port, the MIRACUM DQA Tool is running on (default: 3838)}

\item{utilspath}{The path to the utilities-folder, containing the metadata
repository files (`mdr.csv` inside the folder `MDR`), JSON files with SQL
statements (inside the folder `SQL`), config files for the database
connection (`settings_default.yml`) and the email address used for the
data map (`email.yml`), a JSON file containing site names (inside the
folder `MISC`) and a markdown templated to create the PDF report
(`DQA_report.Rmd` inside the folder `RMD`).}

\item{db_source}{The name of the source database. Currently, the only
allowed argument is `p21csv` used for the import of the corresponding
csv files.}
DQAgui Shiny application
Launch the DQA graphical user interface (GUI)