updated again ga; fixed typo

4 jobs for development in 5 minutes and 48 seconds (queued for 2 minutes and 28 seconds)
Name Stage Failure
Markdown Spellcheck (pipelinecomponents) Build
      105 | - about MIRACUM: [https://www.miracum.org/](https://www.miracum.org/) 
106 | ormatics Initiative: [https://www.medizininformatik-initiative.de/index.php/de](h
106 | https://www.medizininformatik-initiative.de/index.php/de](https://www.med
106 | dizininformatik-initiative.de/index.php/de](https://www.medizininform

>> 80 spelling errors found in 2 files
Running after_script
Uploading artifacts for failed job
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1