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MIRACUM DQA-Tool R-Package >=v2.x, shiny app, i2b2/omop
MIRACUM DQAgui R-Package. A generic package to provide a graphical user interface (GUI) to the core functionality implemented in 'DQAstats'.
FHIR DDL generator
Web-based kosmic UI written in R.
C++ algorithm implementation and Python bindings (and windows builds).
Devon Buchanan has developed R bindings and provides them at https://www.divinenephron.co.uk/tidykosmic/.
Reference interval benchmarks accompanying our publication.
MIRACUM DQAstats R-Package. A generic package that provides core functions to perform data quality assessment of EHR data.
R package to load and preprocess gene datasets. Part of the sigident framework.
R package for functional gene analysis. Part of the sigident framework.
R package for gene signature identification.
R package that provides a GUI for transcriptome profiling analysis
Design of the Transition Database of German Vocabularies (German TDB) to guarantee a semantically and syntactically correct mapping of German data elements to OMOP Standard Concepts.
labVisualizeR - An R package to interactively visualize laboratory measurements.