Commit 1af43c82 authored by JM's avatar JM
Browse files

first changes in feedback movement and rewriting

Showing with 133 additions and 53 deletions
+133 -53
......@@ -109,75 +109,154 @@ get_db_settings <- function(input, target = T) {
#' @param type (Optional) The type of message as string.
#' If type is e.g. "Warning" the printed line will be "[Warning] print_this".
printme <- function(print_this, type = "Info") {
feedback(print_this, type)
#' CAUTION: This function is no longer used and only here to save
#' downwards compatibility
#% printme <- function(print_this, type = "Info") {
#% feedback(print_this, type)
#% }
#' @title Simple method to feedback messages either to the user and/or to the
#' console.
#' @description Extended version of the printme-function.
#' @param ui (Optional) If true, the message will also be printed
#' to the user in form of a modal.
#' @param console (Optional) If true, the message will also be printed
#' to the console as is.
#' @param prefix Prefix (String)
#' @param suffix Suffix (String)
#' @param findme (Optional) String to find the message in the code.
#' @description This functino is to provide feedback for any kind of
#' information. This might be a simple info, a warning or an error.
#' The function can be used to select the output (console, ui, logfile).
#' If no output is selected, the printme string will be printed to the
#' console and to logfile.
#' One of these must be a string with length > 0: print_me, console, ui
#' @param print_this (Optional, String)
#' @param type (Optional, String)
#' @param ui (Optional, Boolean/String) If true, the message will
#' also be printed to the user in form of a modal. Can also be a string.
#' @param console (Optional, Boolean/String) If true, the message will also
#' be printed to the console as is. Can also be a string.
#' @param prefix Prefix (Optional, String) This is useful if
#' print_this is an array/list.
#' Each entry will then be new row with this prefix.
#' @param suffix Suffix (Optional, String). Same like prefix but at the
#' end of each line.
#' @param findme (Optional, String) String to find the message in the code.
#' E.g. 10-digit random hex from
#' or
#' @inheritParams printme
#' @export
feedback <-
function(print_this = "",
type = "Info",
ui = FALSE,
console = TRUE,
logfile = TRUE,
prefix = "",
suffix = "",
findme = "") {
if (ui) {
shiny::showModal(modalDialog(title = type,
easyClose = TRUE,
# Make the first letter of type Uppercase:
type <- firstup(type)
if (console) {
if (length(print_this) == 1) {
if (findme == "") {
message(paste0("[", type, "] ", prefix, print_this, suffix))
} else {
message(paste0("[", type, "] ",
prefix, print_this, suffix, " (", findme, ")"))
} else if (length(print_this) > 1) {
if (findme == "") {
i <- 1
for (tmp in print_this) {
message(paste0("[", type, "] ", prefix, i, ": ", tmp, suffix))
i <- i + 1
} else {
i <- 1
for (tmp in print_this) {
paste0("[", type, "] ",
prefix, i, ": ", tmp, suffix, " (", findme, ")"))
i <- i + 1
# If there is an error and the gui is active, show the error message
# to the user. Also show the error messages if the user did not explicitely .
if ((isTRUE(ui) &&
isTRUE(type != "Error")) || (isFALSE(rv$headless) &&
isTRUE(type == "Error") &&
isFALSE(ui))) {
} else if (isTRUE(ui)) {
if (isTRUE(console) && isFALSE(print_this == "")) {
feedback_to_console(print_this, findme, prefix, suffix)
# If there is text defined in the ui and/or the console, print this one
# (this is uesful if one will provide both, feedback to the ui AND
# feedback to the console but with different texts)
if (isTRUE(typeof(ui) == "character")) {
if (isTRUE(typeof(console) == "character")) {
feedback_to_console(print_this, findme, prefix, suffix)
#' @title Print to the console. Internal use.
#' @description Helper function for the feedback function to print
#' stuff to the console. Everything will also be added to the logfile.
#' Internal use. Use the robust 'feedback' function instead.
#' @inheritParams feedback
feedback_to_console <- function(print_this, findme, prefix, suffix) {
if (length(print_this) == 1) {
if (findme == "") {
res <- paste0("[", type, "] ", prefix, print_this, suffix)
} else {
res <- paste0("[", type, "] ",
prefix, print_this, suffix, " (", findme, ")")
} else if (length(print_this) > 1) {
if (findme == "") {
i <- 1
for (tmp in print_this) {
res <- paste0("[", type, "] ", prefix, i, ": ", tmp, suffix)
i <- i + 1
} else {
i <- 1
for (tmp in print_this) {
res <-
paste0("[", type, "] ",
prefix, i, ": ", tmp, suffix, " (", findme, ")")
i <- i + 1
#' @title Feedback to the user with a modal. Internal use.
#' @description Helper function for the feedback function to show modals
#' to the gui/user. Everything will also be added to the logfile.
#' Internal use. Use the robust 'feedback' function instead.
#' @inheritParams feedback
feedback_to_ui <- function(print_this, type) {
if (isTRUE(type == "Error")) {
title <- "Sorry, an error has occured"
} else {
title <- type
shiny::showModal(modalDialog(title = title,
easyClose = TRUE,
#' @title Add to the logfile. Internal use.
#' @description Helper function for the feedback function to add content
#' to the logfile. Internal use.
#' Use the robust 'feedback' function instead.
#' @param input The input string to be added to the logfile.
feedback_to_logfile <- function(input) {
# Set the string for the logfile containing the current time and date:
res <- paste0("[", Sys.time(), "] ", input)
# Open the connection to the logfile:
log_con <- file("logfile.log", open = "a")
# Write to the logfile:
cat(res, file = log_con)
#' @title This function is used in the config-tab and displays the selected
#' system to the user.
#' @param system (String) e.g. "i2b2", "OMOP" or "CSV"
#' @param type (String) "source" or "target"
#' @return String containing the input params in a propper manner
feedback_txt <- function(system, type) {
......@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
#' @import shiny shinydashboard
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom data.table .N ":="
#' @importFrom DQAstats feedback
#' @export
......@@ -3,20 +3,20 @@ output_dir = "output/"
## debugging the MIRACUM stuff (JM):
## ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
# utils_path = DQAstats::clean_path_name(system.file("application/_utilities",
# package = "miRacumDQA"))
# mdr_filename = "mdr.csv"
# config_file = system.file("application/_settings/demo_settings_INTERNAL.yml",
# package = "DQAgui")
utils_path = DQAstats::clean_path_name(system.file("application/_utilities",
package = "miRacumDQA"))
mdr_filename = "mdr.csv"
config_file = system.file("application/_settings/demo_settings_INTERNAL.yml",
package = "DQAgui")
## ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
## debugging the MIRACUM stuff (LK):
## ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
utils_path = DQAstats::clean_path_name(system.file("application/_utilities",
package = "miRacumDQA"))
mdr_filename = "mdr.csv"
config_file <- "/home/rstudio/development/Rpackages/dqa/DQAstats/tests/testthat/testdata/demo_settings_INTERNAL.yml"
# utils_path = DQAstats::clean_path_name(system.file("application/_utilities",
# package = "miRacumDQA"))
# mdr_filename = "mdr.csv"
# config_file <- "/home/rstudio/development/Rpackages/dqa/DQAstats/tests/testthat/testdata/demo_settings_INTERNAL.yml"
## ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
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